
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office aims to make information and services accessible to everyone, regardless of functional ability. We want to contribute to an open and inclusive society where everyone has equal access to information and services.

A man uses a mobile phone with his eyes closed

We do this to improve accessibility

  • Review our services at least once a year
  • Ensures that all new services comply with the requirements of the Universal Design Regulations
  • Continuously corrects errors that we or our users discover


Much of the Norwegian Industrial Property Office's activities are based on the distribution and publication of documents. These are documents with varying degrees of accessibility from both our customers and us.

Common challenges with the PDF documents we share include structure, language, image descriptions, and encoding. If you need help with our documents, please contact our customer service center to get a document in the desired accessible format.

Accessibility statements

The Norwegian Industrial Property Office has a number of services that use different technologies. We therefore create separate accessibility statements for the services that are separate from our website, patentstyret.no. The statements show the status of each service's accessibility, and they are available on the website uustatus.

Give us feedback

Have you found an error or would like to give us feedback? Please contact us if you experience accessibility challenges on our websites or services.