Trademark - name and logo
A trademark is a characteristic that distinguishes you from your competitors and helps customers recognize your products.
Innovation and entrepreneurship involve creating assets that can be protected in various ways. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) is the registration authority in Norway for patents, trademarks, and designs.
We give you an overview of the opportunities available, what is required to apply for rights, and how to go about protecting what you have created.
A trademark is a characteristic that distinguishes you from your competitors and helps customers recognize your products.
A new technical solution, process or approach can be very valuable. Can your idea be patented?
You can obtain exclusive right to the appearance of a product by applying for a design registration.
Useful shortcuts to relevant information for those who work professionally with IP.
NIPO is the authority for patents, trademarks and designs. There are also other intangible assets such as copyright, trade secrets, domain names and plant breeder rights.
NIPO offers a secure electronic solution for our foreign customers. You may submit applications, make payments, find receipts and correspond with us - all in one place.
To validate a European patent (EP patent) in Norway, you must file an application for validation
Our rates will be updated starting with March 1st. This includes the rates for filing patents, design or trademark registrations, and for the renewal of these rights.
In short, it is about who owns the right to profit from a trademark, a patent, a design, or business secrets developed through creative, intellectual work.
These rights may include:
that are protected in various ways.
The purpose of granting exclusive rights is to encourage innovation and creativity. Originators or companies should be rewarded for their efforts. These rights stimulate economic growth and competition, making it worthwhile to invest in research and development.