
Here you will find an overview of our forms. We recommend that you use the form in Altinn if possible.

Forms for customers outside Norway

We offer a secure electronic solution in the Norwegian internet portal Altinn, for customers without a national identity number or D-number.

After creating a user, you may file applications and communicate with us electronically through Altinn. 

Form - Preliminary Search Service

We check in registers and databases to see if other patent, trademark and design rights may be an obstacle to your innovation.

Other PDF forms

Some of our forms are available only in PDF format. It is unfortunately not possible to fill out and save these forms electronically.

If you have problems opening a PDF form try a different browser og update to a newer version of Adobe Acrobat.

Signing of documents

The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) only accept an electronic signature from Altinn. 

Contact us

Organization Number: 971 526 157
Postal Address: Norwegian Industrial Property Office,
Postboks 4863 Nydalen,
N-0422 Oslo
Address: Innspurten 11C, 0663 Oslo
Customer Service Center: +47 22 38 73 00

Telephone enquiries: Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm.

We are open every weekday.

Write to us