Novelty search

Do you want to find out if your invention is new before you apply for a patent? A novelty search gives you an overview of patent publications and other publications, so-called non-patent literature (NPL), that may be relevant to your invention. We adapt the search to your needs.

Why order a novelty search?

The novelty search report can help you assess whether your invention is novel and what may be patentable. The results show relevant publications grouped by importance, along with an explanation of why they are categorized that way. This gives you basis for further work.

Who is the service suitable for?

The service is suitable for those of you who are considering applying for a patent and want information about publications that may limit the scope of your patent or prevent you from obtaining a patent.

– A novelty search from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office is a quick and effective way to assess your own ideas against existing technology in an early phase of an innovation process.

Ola Erik Fjellstad

IPR Manager, Kongsberg Seatex AS


Ola Erik Fjellstad

IPR Manager, Kongsberg Seatex AS

We adapt the search to your needs

Before we start the work, we discuss the search strategy, scope and limitations with you. We also customize the report to the format of your choice, whether it is a text document or a spreadsheet with information such as patent number and relevance. Note: In this service, we do not assess patentability.

How is a novelty search conducted?

  • You order the novelty search
    Send us a description of the invention that you would like us to investigate.
  • We follow up
    We will contact you to discuss scope and limitations. You will receive a price estimate and a delivery date.
  • Implementation
    After you have accepted the offer, we will start the search.
  • Dialogue along the way
    We will contact you if there is a need to adjust the search.
  • Delivery
    You will receive a report with an overview of relevant publications. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • Invoicing
    We will send you an invoice for the assignment after it has been completed.

What do we need from you?

To get started, we need:

  • Information about what problem the invention solves and a technical description of your solution.
  • You can also suggest search terms. If you know of anyone working with the same technology, this could be of great help for the search.

Price and time spent

The price depends on the scope of the search and the technology area. A search can require between 5 and 30 hours of work. We invoice an hourly rate of NOK 1300 for the search.