Patent landscape analysis
A patent landscape analysis gives you a comprehensive picture of trends, activities, and players within a specific technology area. This type of analysis provides insights that allow you to make strategic choices to plan research and development (R&D), shape industry policy, and find new market opportunities.

Why is patent landscape analysis useful?
A patent landscape analysis can help you to:
- Get an overview of technology trends: Map patents globally, regionally, or nationally to see who is active and what they are focusing on.
- Reduce the risk of wrong investments: Avoid large investments in technology areas with high competition and patenting activity.
- Identify opportunities: Discover areas with little patent pending technology, known as “white spots,” to find new opportunities for innovation.
- Mapping competitors and partners: Get an overview of potential partners or competitors.
Who is the service suitable for?
Patent landscape analyses are suitable for those working to design larger R&D initiatives in ministries, agencies and within the U&H sector. Examples of users are Centers for Research-Driven Innovation and clusters that can disseminate the results openly to relevant academic communities and companies.
Analyses in which we explore opportunities or "white spots" will be useful for larger private companies that want an overview of patenting intensity in the periphery of their own core area, and an overview of possible competitors or partners within this technology area.
Tailored to your needs
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office always adapts the landscape analysis to your needs and is based on the information you provide us about the technology area, what is particularly interesting to investigate and the geographical area. In the project description, we clarify details such as whether the analysis should be divided into sub-deliveries. We form the report either as a listing of all findings in a spreadsheet or as detailed graphical presentations, depending on your preference.
Contact us to start a dialogue about a possible patent landscape analysis. Depending on the analysis, we will need different types of information. We clarify this in the planning phase. A patent landscape analysis will require some involvement from you during the project period.
Open patent landscape analyses that are to be made publicly available are prepared by the Norwegian Industrial Property Office using its own basic funding, while you contribute with your working time, expertise and distribution of the results.
A patent landscape analysis ordered by a company is confidential and is invoiced according to the amount of time spent and the direct costs incurred.