Fees - price list for trademarks
Application fee for trademarks | Amount |
Application fee including registration for one class | NOK 3 800 |
Additional fee for each extra class | NOK 1000 |
Renewal fee for trademarks (every 10 years) | Amount |
Renewal fee for one class | NOK 3 400 |
Additional fee for each extra class | NOK 1 300 |
Additional fee for late payment of renewal fee | NOK 550 |
Other fees for trademarks | Amount |
Application to alter a registered trademark | NOK 1 200 |
Opposition against someone else's registered trademark | free |
Administrative review of a trademark | NOK 4 000 |
Request from a third party for revocation of a trademark with an unknown owner | NOK 1 900 |
Dividing an application, one class | NOK 2 900 |
Dividing an application, additional fee for each extra class | NOK 750 |
Dividing a national trademark registration, for each newly created (divided) registration | NOK 2 200 |
Merger of a national trademark application or registration, for each application or registration that disappears (deletes/terminates) in the merger | NOK 2 200 |
Resumption fee | NOK 550 |
Notification of change in ownership | free |
Notification of change in name and address | free |
Demand for continued processing despite the deadline being exceeded | NPK 2 750 |
International registration of trademarks | Amount |
Clearance fee payable to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office for the processing of an application for international trademark registration | NOK 800 |
Dividing a pending international trademark registration, for one class: | NOK 3 800 |
Dividing a pending international trademark registration, for each class above one | NOK 1 000 |
Dividing an international trademark registration that has been given effect in Norway, for each newly created (divided) registration | NOK 2 200 |
Merger of an international trademark registration, for each registration that disappears (deletes/terminates) in the merger | NOK 2 200 |