NIPO's fees

Here you will find the fees and charges the Norwegian Industrial Property Office requires in the areas of trademark, design and patent. Those who choose to hire professional advice and those who seek protection abroad must calculate a higher total cost than what appears in this overview.

Fees - price list for trademarks


Application fee for trademarks


Application fee including registration for one classNOK 3 800
Additional fee for each extra classNOK 1000

Renewal fee for trademarks (every 10 years)

Renewal fee for one classNOK 3 400
Additional fee for each extra classNOK 1 300
Additional fee for late payment of renewal feeNOK 550

Other fees for trademarks

Application to alter a registered trademarkNOK 1 200
Opposition against someone else's registered trademarkfree
Administrative review of a trademarkNOK 4 000
Request from a third party for revocation of a trademark with an unknown ownerNOK 1 900
Dividing an application, one classNOK 2 900
Dividing an application, additional fee for each extra classNOK 750
Dividing a national trademark registration, for each newly created (divided) registrationNOK 2 200
Merger of a national trademark application or registration, for each application or registration that disappears (deletes/terminates) in the mergerNOK 2 200
Resumption feeNOK 550
Notification of change in ownershipfree 
Notification of change in name and addressfree
Demand for continued processing despite the deadline being exceededNPK 2 750

International registration of trademarks

Clearance fee payable to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office for the processing of an application for international trademark registrationNOK 800
Dividing a pending international trademark registration, for one class:NOK 3 800
Dividing a pending international trademark registration, for each class above oneNOK 1 000
Dividing an international trademark registration that has been given effect in Norway, for each newly created (divided) registrationNOK 2 200
Merger of an international trademark registration, for each registration that disappears (deletes/terminates) in the mergerNOK 2 200

Fees - price list for guarantee or certification marks


Application fee for guarantee or certification marks

Application fee including registration for one classNOK 4 000
Additional fee for each extra classNOK 1 650

Renewal fee for guarantee or certification marks (every 10 years)

Renewal fee for one classNOK 5 150
Additional fee for each extra classNOK 2 100
Additional fee for late payment of renewal feeNOK 1 200

Fees - price list for responsibility marks


Application fee for responsibility marks


Application fee including registrationNOK 1 000

Renewal fee for responsibility marks (every 10 years)


Renewal feeNOK 700
Additional fee for late payment of renewal feeNOK 300

Other fees for responsibility marks

Administrative review of registration for responsibility markNOK 2 500
Resumption fee for responsibility markNOK 500

Fees - price list for designs


Application fee for designs

Application feeNOK 2 470
Multiple registration fee for each design in excess of oneNOK 1 690
Fee for supplementary search for each designNOK 900
Storage fee for each model stored by NIPONOK 1 200

Renewal fee for designs (every 5 years)

Renewal fee for first renewalNOK 3 770
Renewal fee for second renewalNOK 4 550
Renewal fee for third renewalNOK 5 330
Renewal fee for fourth renewalNOK 6 500
Multiple registration fee for each design in excess of one to be renewedNOK 1 690
Storage fee for each model stored by the Norwegian Industrial Property OfficeNOK 1 200
Additional fee for late payment of renewal feeNOK 550

Other fees for designs

Resumption feeNOK 550
Administrative review of a design registrationNOK 4 000
Clearance fee for international application to WIPONOK 800
Notification of change of ownershipfree
Demand for continued treatment processing despite the deadline being exceededNOK 2 800 

Fees - price list for patents


Applicaton fee for patents

Companies with more than 20 full-time employees (or equivalent)NOK 6 050
Companies with 20 or less full-time employees (or equivalent) (small company or private person)NOK 1 100
Additional fee for each patent claim in excess of tenNOK 325

Application to extend a PCT application to Norway

Companies with more than 20 full-time employees (or equivalent)NOK 6 050
Companies with 20 or less full-time employees (or equivalent) (small company or private person)NOK 1 110
Additional fee for each new patent claim over tenNOK 330

Fees for granting a patent

Basic feeNOK 1 600
Additional fee for each page in excess of 14*NOK 330
Additional fee for each new patent claim over tenNOK 330

* with the exception of claims translated into Norwegian for English language applications, and for sequence lists, which are exempt from the page fee

Annual fees for patents (maximum 20 years - 5 year extension for SPC)

1st fee yearNOK 910
2nd fee yearNOK 910
3rd fee yearNOK 910
4th fee yearNOK 1 760
5th fee yearNOK 2 150
6th fee yearNOK 2 600
7th fee yearNOK 2 860
8th fee yearNOK 3 320
9th fee yearNOK 3 710
10th fee yearNOK 4 160
11th fee yearNOK 4 550
12th fee yearNOK 5 010
13th fee yearNOK 5 460
14th fee yearNOK 5 850
15th fee yearNOK 6 310
16th fee yearNOK 6 760
17th fee yearNOK 7 150
18th fee yearNOK 7 540
19th fee yearNOK 8 060
20th fee yearNOK 8 450
21st fee year (SPC)NOK 8 450
22nd fee year (SPC)NOK 8 450
23th fee year (SPC)NOK 8 450
24th fee year (SPC)NOK 8 450
25th fee year (SPC)NOK 8 450
26th fee year (SPC)NOK 8 450
Additional fee for late payment of annual feeNOK 700

Other fees for patents

First resumptionNOK 550
Second resumptionNOK 1 950
Request for administrative review of a patentNOK 8 800
Request for administrative patent limitationNOK 7 000
Application for SPCNOK 2 200
Extension of SPCNOK 2 000
Opposition filed within nine monthsfree
Opposition filed after ordinary deadline (nine months)NOK 5 500
Notification of change in ownershipfree
Mortgage registration for one patent, patent application or patent licenceNOK 500
Additional fee for each patent, patent application or patent license to be registered as security for the same mortgage claimNOK 100
Registration of licences and change of ownershipfree
Demand for continued proessing despite the deadline being exceededNOK 3000

Fees for validating EP patents

Document type at EPOType of validation/document

Deadline for sending inn request

A1/A2Publication of application (provisional protection)NoneNOK 0

Correction in bibliographical data for A1/A2



A9Correction in claims for A1/A2NoneNOK 0
B1Validating patent3 months from granting at EPONOK 7 150
B2Amended patent after opposition3 months from publication at EPONOK 7 150
B3Amended patent after limitation/ review3 months from publication at EPONOK 7 150
B8Correction in bibliographical data on the first page for B1/B2/B3NoneNOK 0
B9Correction in claims and possibly description for B1/B2/B3NoneNOK 1200

* Payment deadline is normally one (1) month from when the invoice is sent.

Accumulated annual fees for divisional patent applications

This list of fees is used for divisional patent applications. An applicant may request that a patent application be divided into one or more new applications if several inventions are described in the parent application. The applicant must then pay the total annual fees for the divided application calculated from the filing date for the original application up to and including the last annual fee payable.


Accumulated annual fees for divisional patent applications (maximum 20 years)

1-3 fee yearNOK 2 730
1-4 fee yearNOK 4 490
1-5 fee yearNOK 6 640
1-6 fee yearNOK 9 240
1-7 fee yearNOK 12 100
1-8 fee yearNOK 15 420
1-9 fee yearNOK 19 130
1-10 fee yearNOK 23 290
1-11 fee yearNOK 27 840
1-12 fee yearNOK 32 850
1-13 fee yearNOK 38 850
1-14 fee yearNOK 44 160
1-15 fee yearNOK 50 470
1-16 fee yearNOK 57 230
1-17 fee yearNOK 64 380
1-18 fee yearNOK 71 920
1-19 fee yearNOK 79 980 
1-20 fee yearNOK 88 430


Fees for filing PCT applications


Fees for filing PCT applications


Transmittal feeNOK 800
International novelty search carried out by Nordic Patent Institute (NPI)NOK 21 510
International novelty search carried out by Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV)NOK 21 510
International novelty search carried out by European Patent Office (EPO)NOK 21 510

International filing fee

NOK 16 520
Additional fee per sheet in excess of 30
(Fee from 1.11.2024)
NOK 190
Fee for issue and forwarding of priority documents, if any, per priority documentNOK 300
Filing XML files in non-character coded format with attachment in for example PDF format (when using ePCT-Filing)NOK 2 480
Filing XML files in character coded format (incl. application form, description, claims and abstract)(when using ePCT-Filing)NOK 3 730
Additional fee for late payment 50 % of the amount due

Fees for international type search (ITS) for a national patent application


Fees for international type search (ITS)

Fee for international type search (ITS) carried out by Nordic Patent Institute (NPI)NOK 5 125
Additional fee for each claim in excess of 10NOK 250
Fee for international type search (ITS) carried out by Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV)NOK 6 950
Additional fee for each claim in excess of 10NOK 125
Fee for international type search (ITS) carried out by European Patent Office (EPO), for first applicationsNOK 14 374
Fee for international type search (ITS) carried out by European Patent Office (EPO), for all other applicationsNOK 22 459


Other fees


Fees for priority documents and certified copies

Priority documents and certified copies (per document)NOK 300

Fees - preliminary searches


Delivery time: normally 5 working days.
Express delivery: normally 48 hours.

Similar trademarks (hourly rate)NOK 1 300
Registrability assessmentNOK 3 500
Addition for each class exceeding oneNOK 625
Express delivery - similar trademarks (hourly rate)NOK 2 200
Express delivery - registrability assessmentNOK 7 000


Delivery time: normally 5 working days.

Ownership rights searchNOK 2 600
Addition for each extra design in the same classNOK 625


Delivery time: normally 10 working days.

Hourly rate (we provide an estimate on request)NOK 1 300
Search session with expert help (fixed price for two hour search)NOK 2 600