
Do you need information from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) about intellectual property rights, are you looking for statistics or would you like a statement from us regarding trademark, design and patent registrations? Our press contact accepts all inquiries from the media.

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Read more about Annual reports

Annual reports

You will also find a lot of useful information and key figures in the annual reports for NIPO (only avilable in Norwegian)

Figures and statistics

Are Norwegian companies interested in protecting their designs? How many trademarks are registered with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office? In which areas do the majority of patents belong? Try our Statistics Service. Figures are updated daily. Here you will find graphs, key figures and trends.

Design manual

NIPO's visual identity will ensure that we act collectively and uniformly towards our customers, partners and society.

Press contacts

Read more about Strategy


A committed co-player for increased innovation and value creation. Read more about our strategy.