IPR insurance - Litigation insurance for intellectual property rights
Litigation insurance for intellectual property rights - also called IPR insurance - can significantly reduce the cost risk if you have to pay large amounts of legal fees, litigation or damages to defend your intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks or designs.

Purpose of IPR insurance
Many businesses are reluctant to register and protect their intellectual property because they know that defending and enforcing it can be costly.
Especially for small and medium-sized businesses, it can be important to create financial equality vis-à-vis larger businesses that have the capacity to run lengthy legal processes.
The purpose of IPR insurance is therefore to minimize the costs you may incur in a legal dispute about intellectual property rights, and to make it easier for your business to defend itself or assert its right.
Norwegian businesses have the option of taking out IP insurance with several insurance providers, both Norwegian and foreign. With most insurance providers, you can choose between "tailor-made" insurance or a more standardised, ready-made insurance.
You must request quotes from the relevant insurance providers to obtain accurate rates.
The role of the Norwegian Industrial Property Office
IPR insurance is a general insurance agreement between the insurance company and the customer. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) does not offer insurance, and has nothing to do with these insurance agreements. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office is therefore also not responsible for the agreements you enter into with the insurance provider.
Insurance providers who offer IPR insurance to Norwegian businesses
We have compiled an overview of private, commercial insurance providers who offer IPR insurance to Norwegian customers. It only covers those providers who have asked NIPO to be included on the list.
Please note that the list is based on the providers' own information. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office does not carry out any kind of ranking or quality assurance of the providers or their products.
Providers of IPR insurance for Norwegian businesses
Söderberg & Partners
Amaliegade 3,1. 1256 Copenhagen K
Tel: +45 20 60 73 43
Contact person: Carsten Scharff
Email: carsten.scharff@soderbergpartners.dk
Säkra AB
Billeplatsen 5, 252 23 Helsingborg
Tel: +46 42 12 07 60
Mobile: +46 709-206427
Contact person: Sigvard Åkerman
Email: sigvard.akerman@sakra.se
Would you like to be listed?
Anyone offering IP insurance can register and be added to the list. The companies listed are themselves responsible for the information and the quality of the services they offer.
Contact us
Organization Number: | 971 526 157 |
Postal Address: | Norwegian Industrial Property Office, Postboks 4863 Nydalen, N-0422 Oslo |
Address: | Innspurten 11C, 0663 Oslo |
E-mail: | post@patentstyret.no |
Customer Service Center: | +47 22 38 73 00 |
Telephone enquiries: Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm.
We are open every weekday.

Have you made a plan for your assets?
Did you know that as much as 90 % of the assets in innovative companies can be intellectual property? It is therefore important that these values are managed correctly. A well-thought-out strategy is as important to commercial success as financing, marketing and sales.
Learn more about IP strategy
Check if your idea is new
Have you got an idea for, for example, a product or a logo and want to find out if you can get exclusive rights to it? Then it is smart to investigate whether someone has already had the same idea as you. You can search in our national database or do an international search.
Read more about search in databases