Electronic signature on documents
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) only accept an electronic signature from Altinn. Here you will find more information about this.
Published: 06. august 2024
Last modified: 07. august 2024
What document do you have to sign?
In some cases, the regulations require certain documents to be signed. This applies, for example, when you are going to:
- apply for, change or delete industrial rights
- submit objections and administrative reviews
- give a power of attorney that gives someone else the right to act on your behalf
What requirements apply to handwritten signatures?
NIPO accepts:
- a handwritten signature on a paper document
- an electronic copy or a scan of a signed paper document.
This also applies if you have only used electronic aids to create a document with a handwritten signature.
Paper communication must be juxtaposed with electronic communication. Therefore, we accepted handwritten signatures, even if this is not so secure in terms of authentication and information security.
We did not accept typed names as a valid signature
Below on the left are some examples of approved, handwritten signatures that have been created using an electronic pen or similar, or they are a copy of a handwritten signature.
To the right are examples of unapproved typewritten names using different fonts.
Judgment on approved and not approved signatures


Electronic signature from Altinn
We accepted an electronic signature created by Altinn from a person who is authenticated using a Norwegian social security number in the national ID-en‐porten.
Altinn is the primary internet portal for digital dialogue between business, private individuals and public agencies in Norway.
Altinn provides secure transmission through authentication and receipt. Documents received from Altinn are automatically and quickly imported into the NIPO's system.
- You can tick the box for signing so that the document you are sending is affixed with an electronic signature.
- You can also use Altinn to send over a document with a digital reproduction of your handwritten signature.
Don't you have a Norwegian ID number?
You can also use Altinn without access to login via the Norwegian ID portal.
Why should I sign a document?
The purpose of the signature is to link a person to the document being signed.
The signature requirement should help you to have confidence in the information in NIPO's register. This is even though, as a general rule, it is always the underlying situation that will be decisive in the event of a dispute.
What happens if I sign the wrong way?
NIPO set the standard for electronic signatures at any time.
This follows from the regulations; " An application or document that is delivered in a manner other than that stipulated in the first to third paragraphs is not considered to have been delivered ".
Future changes
We are working on getting a system in place to accept more electronic signatures. We will always take up for consideration which signatures we can accept, and will update the information on our websites on an ongoing basis.
Do you need help in the application process?
Get an overview of the possibilities available to you and what you must do if you wish to file an application. The experts at NIPO are very experienced and can give you insight into what is important for you to consider during the application process.