Start a trademark application
Are you ready to apply for trademark protection? We'll help you further.
Here you will find the fees and charges the Norwegian Industrial Property Office requires in the trademark area. Those who choose to hire professional advice and those who seek protection abroad must calculate a higher total cost than what appears in this overview.
If you want to apply for trademark registration in Norway, you can submit a Norwegian trademark application. If you want to use the priority from the Norwegian application to apply for trademark registration in other countries, you must do this within 6 months from the application date. Priority means that your foreign application obtains protection from the same date as the Norwegian application.
for the NIPO's processing of an application for international registration of a trademark: NOK 800
Use WIPO's fee calculator to find out how much you have to pay in international application fees to WIPO.
Classes define which goods and services you want to use the trademark for.
You can renew your trademark registration every 10 years for an unlimited number of times. We do not send an invoice for renewal, but you will receive a notification letter from us 6 months before the payment deadline with information of what and how you pay.
At regular intervals, private individuals and companies in Norway receive false or misleading offers or invoices from home and abroad in relation to their trademarks and patents. The invoices are confused by many with legitimate claims for payment for the registration of patent applications or for the registration or renewal of a trademark.
*When dividing international trademark registrations, a fee must also be paid to WIPO.
A priority document is a copy of the first documents submitted with your application.
A confirmation is a copy of trademark and design applications or rights found in our register.
All payment deadlines are final. You must pay the fee or charge well before the due date in order to avoid late fees. If you pay too late, your application will be shelved, or you may not get a renewal of your registration.
Are you ready to apply for trademark protection? We'll help you further.
See what you need to have ready before you start submitting a trademark application.
Get an overview of different types of trademarks and what the requirements are for registration.