Prepare for the trademark application

Good preparation increases the chance of quick case processing and an approved trademark application. Here we go through the points you should have thought through before you start the application.

This must be included in a trademark application

What kind of trademark should you register?

You must decide which type of trademark you want protection for. 

You cannot apply for several types of trademark in the same application. For example, if you want to register both a word mark and a figure mark, you must submit two separate applications.

What are you going to make money on?

When you apply for trademark registration, you must state what the trademark is to be used for. We call this goods and services (products). 

All goods and services are grouped into classes. The products are placed in a class based on the product's function, purpose and material, while services are placed in different classes according to industries/business areas.

You cannot add more products after you have submitted the application. Therefore, think carefully about which products you will use the trademark on now and in the future.

A list of goods and services can never be expanded after the application has been submitted, but it can be limited.

File formats

When you fill in the application, you must attach a file showing how the trademark looks (does not apply to word marks). It may also be appropriate to upload other types of documents, such as a power of attorney. 

We recommend you use the following file formats:

  • For images: .jpg
  • For audio: MP3
  • For video: MP4
  • For text documents: .docx or .PDF

Have you registered a trademark in another country?

If your trademark is registered, you basically get protection from the day you submitted the application. If you have previously submitted an identical trademark application abroad, you can claim priority in the application. This means that your brand gets protection already from the filing date abroad.

In the application, you can also claim priority from a previous exhibition, and on the basis of conversion from international registration to national application.


The price you must pay is calculated during the application process. The starting price includes registration of the trademark in one category (class). Each class beyond this comes in addition.

You pay at the same time as you submit the application via our Application guide.

If you submit your application via Altinn, you can pay upon submission or ask to be sent an invoice.

Good to know: if you pay when you submit your application, the processing time will be shorter (if the application otherwise meets the requirements).

Frequently asked questions about the trademark application

You pay an application fee for us to process your application. A trademark application costs from NOK 3,800.

The registration lasts for 10 years from the date of application. You can renew your registration every 10 years an unlimited number of times. The renewal fee starts at NOK 3,400.

See the full price list

Choose the right goods and services for your trademark

You can expect a response within 3 weeks if you pay upon submission of the application and use pre-approved product names (terms) from the product selector.

Processing of audio, motion, multimedia and hologram marks may take longer.

If the application is not paid upon submission, or you have not selected a pre-approved term, you can expect a response within 4 months after we have received payment.

See the application process step by step

You can find applications that have been started or submitted by logging in to your page in Altinn.

Go to started and submitted applications


Your Norwegian trademark application is only valid in Norway. If you want protection in multiple countries, there are different ways to proceed.

Read more about international trademark registration

When you apply to register a trademark, you must state which goods and services (products) you intend the trademark to be used for. All goods and services are divided into a system consisting of 45 different classes.

Read more about goods and services

There are limited possibilities to make changes to a trademark that has been applied for or registered. It is also not possible to add more classes after the application has been submitted. If you want to make major changes to the mark, or add more classes, you must submit a new application.

You can request deletion of classes. You can also report transfers, changes to the power of attorney, or similar after the application has been submitted.

Read more about how to report changes to an application or entitlement.

There may be several reasons why the Norwegian Industrial Property Office chooses to reject a trademark application. The letter from us states how to proceed if you disagree with our assessment and wish to appeal the decision.

Read more about what you can do if your trademark application has been rejected.

Start application

Are you ready to start the application?

You cannot make major changes to the application after it has been submitted. It is therefore important that you are well prepared.

Do you need help in the application process?

Get an overview of the possibilities available to you and what you must do if you wish to file an application. The experts at NIPO are very experienced and can give you insight into what is important for you to consider during the application process.

What happens next?

We register your trademark, or contact you if the application has deficiencies or registration obstacles.

How does correspondence with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office take place?

Once you have submitted the application, all further correspondence in the application processing between you and us will take place digitally. We send you an e-mail and ask you to read the message from us in your inbox in Altinn.

If the application was submitted on behalf of a company, the message is in the company's inbox in Altinn.

You will find the application receipt in the archive in Altinn. In the inbox you will also find any started applications that have not been submitted.