Learn about trademarks

A trademark registration protects your name or logo and prevents others from using something similar. This page helps you find out if you need to register and trademark.

5 good reasons to register your trademark:

  1. Secures exclusive right to use name or logo
  2. Differentiates you from the competition
  3. Makes it easier to prevent copying
  4. Builds trust and reputation
  5. Makes the business more attractive to investors and business partners

What types of trademarks are there?

A trademark can consist of words, letters, numbers, figures or a combination of these.

The most common forms of trademark are word marks, figure marks and combined marks.

There are also other types of marks that are less common, such as sound, movement, colors and three-dimensional shapes.

Requirements for a trademark to be registered

Before applying for trademark protection, there are several things you should think about: 

  • Your brand must be distinctive, it cannot simply describe the product.
  • Your brand must not be confused with others' trademarks.
  • Your trademark must not be misleading.
  • Your trademark must not contain someone else's name or image.

Many people fail to register their trademark because the name or logo lacks distinctiveness.

Person reviews the paper printout of a logo she is in the process of designing digitally on a computer.

What is the difference between a trademark, a company name and a domain name?

  • Domain name is your website address
  • Company name is the legal name of the company
  • Trademark is the symbol, name or logo that identifies and protects your brand

It can be smart to think about both the domain name, company name and trademark when choosing a name. These three registrations have different functions and legal protection.

Check if the trademark is available

You cannot register a trademark that is similar to existing trademarks, company names or other business characteristics.

It is therefore important to check whether someone else has already registered something similar. You can do this for free in our trademark register.

If you plan to use your trademark in several countries, it is also important to check international rights.

Man searches for company name on laptop.


«Namesearch» is a search service that makes it easy for you to check whether domain names, company names and trademarks are available - all three in one search.

The service is a collaboration between the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (trademark), Norid (domain name) and the Brønnøysund Register Centre (company name). This search service is free and open to everyone.

Go to Namesearch

Who owns the trademark?

It is important that you have control over who owns the rights to your trademark.

For example, if a designer has designed your logo, the designer basically owns the copyright to the logo. It is therefore important to make a written agreement on the use of the logo.

Shared ownership?

If there are several people who will own a trademark together, it is a good idea to make a written agreement about what will happen to the trademark if the collaboration ends.

How much does it cost?

A trademark application costs from NOK 3,800. 

The registration lasts for 10 years from the date of application. You can renew your registration every 10 years an unlimited number of times. The renewal fee costs from NOK 3,400.

How long does it take?

If you pay on submission and everything is in order with your application, the processing time is approx. 3 weeks.

Register in several countries?

If you are going to produce or sell outside Norway, it is smart to secure trademark rights in these countries.

You must also check that no one else has a similar trademark for the same goods and services in the countries where you wish to establish your business.

More questions and answers about trademarks

A trademark is an important identifier for businesses and their goods or services. When you register your trademark, you ensure that you get exclusive rights to use it for the goods and services you sell.

In our trademark register, you can search for all trademarks registered in Norway.

Search the Norwegian trademark register

Search international trademark databases

Trademarks are the distinguishing features of your goods or services, and you register them with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office. A company name is the name of your company that you register with the Brønnøysund Register Centre.

Namesearch is a search service where you can check whether domain names, company names and trademarks are available - all three in one search.

Check if the name is available

What do you wish to do?

Do you need help in the application process?

Get an overview of the possibilities available to you and what you must do if you wish to file an application. The experts at NIPO are very experienced and can give you insight into what is important for you to consider during the application process.