Is a trademark the right choice for you?
There are different ways of protecting your intellectual work.
Here you can see a simplified overview of the various steps in an application process when you submit a trademark application to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office, NIPO.
Before you apply
There are different ways of protecting your intellectual work.
Before you apply
Check that no one else has registered rights to the same trademark. There are several ways to do this.
Before you apply
Decide which goods and/or services you would like to protect.
Then it might be smart to read more about trademark registration.
Time of the application
Start the application process using our application guide.
The application and all correspondence relating to the case will be published in the trademark register. This will take 0-3 days.
We register the trademark or contact you if the application has deficiencies or there are registration obstacles.
You can expect a response within 3 weeks if you pay when submitting the application and use pre-approved terms from the product selector.
The processing of audio, motion, multimedia and hologram trademarks may take longer.
If you do not pay at the time of submission or do not use pre-approved terms from the product selector, you can expect a response within 4 months.
If you have received a letter from the NIPO, it is important that you reply within the deadline. If you do not respond, the application will be shelved. Use the correspondence form in Altinn.
When we receive your letter, we will reassess the application. We can then register your trademark or send a new refusal if the trademark does not meet the criteria.
If we reject your application in a case that has been submitted with a fully approved list of goods and that has been paid for on submission, you can expect to receive a new assessment within 3 weeks after you have submitted your arguments (initial letter).
If we reject your application in a case that has not been prepaid and/or has a pre-approved list of goods and servicesy, you can expect to receive a new assessment within 7 months after you have submitted your arguments (second letter).
If you still disagree with the NIPO's assessment and send us new arguments, we will consider the case once more. If we find that the trademark still does not meet the requirements of the Trademarks Act, we will send you another letter. You can then submit statements one more time in the case before we make a final decision.
You have the opportunity to appeal the final decision through our appeals body, The Norwegian Board of Appeal for Industrial Property Rights (KFIR).
If everything is in order, we register the trademark and announce the registration in the Norwegian Trademark Gazette.
Others may oppose the registering of your trademark. They can then submit an opposition within 3 months after the registration has been announced. In that case, you will receive a message from us and the opportunity to respond to the opposition.
If so, you should do so within 6 months from the date you filed the application in Norway, because then you can have the same filing date (date of priority) as your Norwegian application.
You must use the trademark for the products that are important to your business within 5 years from the date of registration.
There is no obligation to use the trademark, but if someone can prove that you have not used it for all or any of the products the trademark is registered for, you may lose your exclusive right in whole or in part.
The trademark can be renewed every 10 years. You must pay a renewal fee for the trademark to maintain your registration in the Trademark Register.
We offer recordings of a number of previous courses and webinars on trademarks, which you can watch for free at your convenience.
Get an overview of the possibilities available to you, and how you should proceed to apply for a trademark registration. Experts at the Norwegian Industrial Property Office have extensive experience and know what you should think about.
Did you know that as much as 90 % of the assets in innovative companies can be intellectual property? It is therefore important that these values are managed correctly. A well-thought-out strategy is as important to commercial success as financing, marketing and sales.
Learn more about IP strategyDo you find it difficult to navigate and get an overview of all registered rights that may affect your idea? Then you can let us conduct a preliminary examination for you. Preliminary search is a paid service.
Read more about our preliminary search serviceIntellectual property rights are a complex subject. An advisor or patent agent can help you with legal and strategic questions and help you with application writing and follow-up.
Published on 17. january 2025
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Published on 10. december 2024