Timeline for design registration

This is a brief overview of the different steps in the application process when you file a design application.

  • Before you apply


    Is you design new?

    To obtain an exclusive design right in Norway, your design must be new when you file the application. We do not examine if your design is new - the Designs Act presupposes that the applicant is acquainted with what designs exist in the relevant market. You can show your design publicly no earlier than 12 months before you submit the application, without it spoiling the novelty. This may be relevant if you want to try out the design in the market before applying.

    If you want to check if a similar design is already registered or applied for, you can make a search in our database and in international databases. 

  • Before you apply


  • Moment of filing the application


    Log in and file the application

    When you are ready to file the application, you can log in to our digital application form. You will be guided step by step. 

  • 0-6 mos

    Norwegian Industrial Property Office

    We publish your application

    We immediately publish your application in NIPO’s designs register, with exception of the images that show the design. We keep the images confidential while we process the application and up to 6 months from the application's delivery date or priority date.

  • 0-3 mos

    Norwegian Industrial Property Office

    We process your application

    We register the design, or we contact you if the application has formal deficiencies or contains something that prevents us from registering the design. 

  • 0-3 mos


    Communication with NIPO

    If you have received a letter from NIPO, it is important that we receive your answer within the time limit. If you do not answer, or answer too late, we will shelve your application. Please use the form for correspondence in Altinn. 

  • After registration


    After registration

    When you have obtained a design registration, you should think through how you can make the best use of your right. You can, for instance, use it in marketing, in agreements with cooperation partners and to expose the values of your business. 

  • After registration

    Administrative review

    You file a complaint both during the handling of a design application or after the design is registered. 

  • 0-6 mos


    Do you want to apply in other countries?

    If you want to apply in other countries, you should do so within 6 months from you filed your application in Norway. Then you can claim priority from the day you filed your application in Norway. Priority means that your design takes precedence over all designs that are filed in the other countries after you filed your application in Norway. 

  • 5 years



    The design registration lasts for 5 years. You must pay a renewal fee for continued registration. 

Do you need help in the application process?

Get an overview of the possibilities available to you and what you must do if you wish to file an application. The experts at NIPO are very experienced and can give you insight into what is important for you to consider during the application process.