Shortcuts and tools - Patent

Here we have collected useful resources for you who work with patents.

Read more about NIPO's register

NIPO's register

Find details of patent cases, such as case history, payment history, public announcements and publications. Create alerts.

Order search services

• Dialogue search
• Freedom to Operate search
• Validity search
• Novelty search
• Patent landscape analysis

Order search services

PDF forms for patent

You can fill in the forms digitally. To save the changes you have made, print the form and select "Save as PDF" from the list of printers. It is not possible to edit the form afterwards with regular Adobe Reader.

PDF forms applicable for patent

You can fill in the forms digitally. To save the changes you have made, print the form and select "Save as PDF" from the list of printers. It is not possible to edit the form afterwards with regular Adobe Reader.

Appeal options

  • Protest
  • Opposition
  • Administrative review
  • Administrative patent limitation
Submit a claim or complaint to NIPO

Fees and payment

Payment of invoices

Bank: DNB Bank ASA
Address: NO-0021 Oslo, Norway

Account number for paying invoices 
Account number: 8276.03.00078
IBAN: NO4682760300078

Direct link to NIPO's payment service

Order priority document from NIPO

• WIPO DAS code
• Priority document in paper version
• Priority document in electronic version

We recommend using WIPO DAS code where possible.

Order priority document from NIPO